People - Meteorology
Extratropical Marine Cyclogenesis, Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction, Mesoscale Predictability, Coastal Meteorology and Forecasting
Tropical Meteorology, Hurricanes/Typhoons/Cyclones, Midlatitude Cyclones, Polar Lows, Fronts, Mesoscale Vortices, Mesoscale Convective Vortices, Tornadoes, Stratospheric Circumpolar Vortex and other atmospheric vortices
Tropical Meteorology, Remote Sensing (Radar and Satellite Meteorology) and Cloud Dynamics
Environmental effects on electromagnetic wave propagation, Air-Sea interaction, Boundary layer processes and their parameterizations, Boundary layer clouds and fog
Cloud physics, microphysics-turbulence interactions, warm precipitation formation, convective parameterization, airborne observations
Research Faculty
Effects of aerosol particles and clouds on the radiative balance of the Earth’s atmosphere, Impact of the atmosphere on the performance of EO/IR sensors, Developing next-generation EO tactical decision aids (TDA), Developing new surface and airborne instrumentation
Tropical Cyclones (TCs) and TC Boundary Layers, Machine Learning, Remote Sensing (Satellite and Radar Meteorology), Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), Data Visualization, Tropical Meteorology, Mesoscale Meteorology, Air-Sea Interaction, and Atmospheric Dynamics.
Monsoon, Tropical Meteorology, Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Model, Cumulus Parameterization, Mesoscale Meteorology, Wireless Communication, Mobile and Wireless Security
Tropical cyclones, Geophysical vortices, Tornadoes
Military Faculty
Climate Dynamics, Subseasonal to Seasonal Weather and Climate Predictability, Probabilistic Forecasting, Forensic Meteorology, Marine Meteorology, Climate Security.
Research Affiliates
Mark Boothe: Meteorologist
Robert Hale: Meteorologist
Derek Podowitz: Meteorologist
Kristan Soboleski: Administrative Specialist
Emeritus Faculty
Chih-Pei Chang: Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Kenneth L. Davidson: Professor Emeritus
Russell L. Elsberry: Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Peter S. Guest: Research Professor Emeritus
Haflidi H. Jonsson: Professor Emeritus
Tom Murphree: Research Associate Professor Emeritus
Carlyle H. Wash: Professor Emeritus