Student Info

Experience Tour

The Space Systems Experience Tour is a unique opportunity to visit sites of entities involved in space. Typical sites include government facilities associated with the launch, operations and development of satellite use and commercial facilities responsible for the manufacture of space related hardware.

The tour takes place during enrichment week in the fall quarter and spring quarter. 

Student Awards

The Space Systems Academic Group (SSAG) honors outstanding graduates with awards in the curricula of Space Systems Operations in the spring quarter and Space Systems Engineering in the fall quarter.

Space Systems Operations

  • Space Systems Operations Award for Academic Excellence

  • Admiral William Adger Moffett Space Systems Award

Space Systems Engineering

  • Space Systems Engineering Award for Academic Excellence

  • Astronaut Michael J. Smith, CAPT, USN, & Astronaut William C. McCool, CDR, USN Astronautics Award


A graduate thesis is a requirement for all students in the Space Systems curricula. The SSO thesis guide provides instructions in the research and writing of the master's thesis and outlines the specific steps necessary to successfully complete a thesis of high quality.

A range of thesis research topics is available from the faculty of the SSAG.

For students in the Space Systems Engineering program, consult with the department that is awarding the degree for specific thesis guidance.

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