Templates & Forms - Forms

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Thesis Forms


Also known as the "TPF." Each student's TPF is on their thesis dashboard.

The Python TPF is a distinct thesis proposal form used by TPO and not related to the thesis proposal forms used within the academic departments. All students are required to route the TPF located in their thesis dashboard.

First, ensure your draft meets the minimum requirements. Then, fill out the submission form.

Also known as the "TRAF." Route through your thesis dashboard in Python. The form is located on the bottom left of your dashboard.

The Thesis Extension Form is available on your thesis dashboard, top right.

Keep your extension(s) updated with your education technician. This saves you the trouble of reactivating your NPS account when it is time to submit your thesis.

Extension students are expected to adhere to the same submission deadlines as resident students.

The effects of an extension on one's record varies. Military students should see their military service reps for details. Civilian students should speak with their ed techs.

See also Thesis Processing's The Fine Print.

See also the Academic Policy Manual.