Step by step - Title, International no editor

Step by step: International student, no editor

Timeline - Intl, No Editor, Phase 1


  Phase 1: Initial Review

Your thesis SharePoint site is your personal file-sharing site for your thesis.

  • Your URL is automatically added to your Python Thesis Dashboard.
  • Use SharePoint to work with Thesis Processing is required—except for export-controlled and classified papers, and for students in the CHDS program.
  • Use SharePoint for advisor and chair review is upon agreement with your advisor and/or chair (optional).


SharePoint Help


Remember: If your thesis is export controlled, you must use Box instead: Box Information

  1. If not using a computer at NPS, log into VPN.
  2. Upload your thesis proposal to the first folder on your SharePoint site.
  3. Then go to Python at and open your dashboard. You will find your thesis dashboard on the left of the interface, inside the folder named “Student Folio.” See image below. If you don't see your dashboard, create one.
  4. Enter all the required information.
  5. Click the "Thesis Proposal Form" (TPF) link on the bottom left to begin the routing process. A pop-up will tell you if any required data are missing.


Use input from advisors to write thesis and compile reference list. One-to-one coaching is also available at the Graduate Writing Center.

Graduate Writing Center

Citation Guides

Save yourself work; give your paper the right look and feel.


Add template styles to thesis text, as shown in thesis brief and explained starting on page 1 of the template.

Template Setup

Formatting Demo (Word template)

Formatting Demo (LaTeX)

Common Errors: Things We Mark—You Fix

Citation Guides

Meet thesis processors; learn your requirements.

At the brief you will receive a ticket with a code on it. Within 5 days after the brief, enter your code in your thesis dashboard. For help on accessing your thesis dashboard, see the next step.

Brief Schedule

The First 8 Pages of your thesis will be produced from the data in your thesis dashboard, so it must be correct.

Log into Python ( and open your thesis dashboard. You will find your thesis dashboard on the left of the interface, inside the folder named “Student Folio.” See the image below.

Once on your dashboard, take note of the "Requirements Status" section in the top-right of your dashboard for milestones and due dates.

Mandatory: We need a minimum of 1/2 to 2/3 of your document (about 3 chapters) formatted, proofread, complete, and cited to conduct an Initial Draft Review. There must also be a proofread list of references. Ensure there are no track changes or balloon comments.


SharePoint Information

Under "Ready for Initial Review with the Thesis Processing Office?" section of your SharePoint site click the "Submit Here" button to request your Initial Draft review. Or, you may request your Initial Review here. You will hear back from someone in our office within two business days.


Common Errors: Things We Mark—You Fix

SharePoint Help

Your processor will conduct your review within 5 to 8 business days, sooner if possible.


Additionally, all unrestricted thesis drafts are checked for originality via iThenticate. Results will be provided to students and their advisors, providing ample time to correct potential plagiarism concerns before the Final Draft is submitted.


If significant plagiarism problems are identified in the Initial Draft, you will be required to submit for a second (“Near-final Draft”) review. This draft should be essentially complete (no chapters missing and very few changes anticipated). Turnaround time for a Near-final Draft review is 5 business days.


Potential plagiarism cases identified during your Final Review with your thesis processor, which occurs after you and your department have signed your Thesis Release and Approval Form (TRAF), will be forwarded to the Dean of Students Office.


Wait for feedback!
Avoid version errors: Stop work on thesis while waiting for your thesis processor review

Make all requested edits to the SharePoint or Box file only. It is your primary file. Always download, do not work online.

If you receive your plagiarism report before hearing back from your thesis processor, wait for your processor to return your paper to you before doing any more work on your paper. This is because your processor may make formatting or textual changes (typos, misspellings, and the like) that will not be evident.

Timeline - Intl, No Editor, Phase 2


  Phase 2: Final Review

Use advisor input to finish your thesis. 

Update text and data on your Python dashboard as needed (title, final abstract, keywords, distribution statement, and the like).

If your iThenticate report indicated you must have a Near-final Draft analyzed, you must do so before routing your Thesis Release and Approval Form and requesting your Final Review. Turnaround time for a near-final review is 5 business days. Follow the instructions in your iThenticate email accordingly.

Style, Grammar, and Citation Guides

On the left side of your dashboard, click "Thesis Release and Approval Form" to begin routing.

Advisors and chair approve thesis content by signing the release form.

Remove track changes from thesis. Check format, references, and citations.

The First 8 Pages of your thesis are produced from the data in your thesis dashboard. 

Warning: Asking your thesis processor for a Final Review without obtaining a clean iThenticate report is at your own risk; your processor will request a final iThenticate report on your behalf. If Thesis Processing suspects plagiarism during your Final Review, your thesis may be forwarded to the Dean of Students Office for resolution by an honor board. Your signature on the Thesis Release and Approval Form, regardless of advisor and/or chair signature, is your promise that you have followed the NPS Academic Honor Code, which forbids plagiarism.


  1. Email your assigned thesis processor that you are ready for Final Review. Your processor will review your file and email you about any additional rework needed within 5 business days.
  2. Enter the date you requested your Final Review in your thesis dashboard in Python. This must be done before your thesis processor can check off the "Thesis Accepted" milestone.


A Final Review meets the following conditions:

  • Thesis has been through an Initial Review.
  • Thesis Release and Approval Form has fully been signed in your thesis dashboard.
  • Final Draft of thesis is uploaded to your thesis SharePoint site.


When you declare you are ready for Final Review, your thesis package is immediately marked for Final Review processing; however, if any of the above conditions are missing or incomplete, we will send your submission back with a request for the missing information, and you will lose your original place in line.

Please do not expect next-day turnaround.

Late submission handling is detailed here.

Timeline - Intl, No Editor, Phase 3


  Phase 3: Thesis Acceptance

Ensure equations and images converted to PDF format correctly. Approve final thesis PDF for publication.

Letter is sent by email to you, your faculty advisors, your educational advisors, and your service representative.

Optimally, your letter is received before graduation day; the last day to receive your letter is the Friday that follows graduation or your estimated departure date.

All but “Thesis Accepted” must be marked completed in your Requirements Status section in your dashboard before your thesis processor can check the "Thesis Accepted" milestone in your dashboard.

Note that the Student Services Office closes early on graduation day.

Your acceptance letter will come with a dragon card attached. It's an unofficial document that students like to use as thank-you cards and whatnot.

Timelines - The Ingredients, Not Int'l Editing




Three main ingredients:


Your Python thesis dashboard


Your thesis file-sharing site


Your thesis template