
GWC Write-ins

 Join us for the first write-in of fall quarter: Friday, October 11!

Work alongside peers and encourage each other as you set and meet your writing goals. Relax and concentrate in the Executive Briefing Center (EBC) of Herrmann Hall, once Hotel Del Monte's luxurious guest lounge and anteroom. Joining via Zoom is always an option.

Fridays 1000–1430 Pacific Time
​​​​​Herrmann Hall or Zoom

Click for Zoom login

Write-ins give NPS students time to make real progress on a paper or thesis. GWC writing coaches and DKL librarians are on hand to answer writing or research questions on the spot. Conquer writer's block and feel better heading into your weekend! 

No appointment required—come for all or part of the time. See typical schedule below.


Students are telling us: Write-ins work!

"Write-ins were single-handedly the best asset I found in my first quarter."

"The write-ins have been instrumental in . . . transitioning from the operating forces to completing academic requirements."

“Library and writing resources are second to none!”

"Write-ins provided motivation to start, continue, and complete my assignments."


What happens during a Write-in?

1000–1007 Talk: Introductions and logistics
1007–1015 Talk: What do you want to accomplish today?
1015–1115 Write! Work with a coach or librarian if desired
1115–1120 Break: Take a five-minute walk with no phone
1120–1200 Write! Work with a coach or librarian if desired
1200–1230 Break: Lunch
1230–1330 Write! Work with a coach or librarian if desired
1330–1335 Break: Take a five-minute walk with no phone
1335–1410 Write! Work with a coach or librarian if desired
1410–1415 Reflect: Write down what you accomplished and what remains
1415–1430 Talk: What did you accomplish? What's next? What helped?