Dudley Knox Library - Dudley Knox Library

Nested Applications

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Nested Applications
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Did you know that you have a librarian dedicated to helping you find library resources in your subject area?

To find your librarian, visit our Library Liaisons page.

If you're unsure of who your liaison is, you can reach us at Ask a Librarian!


...and it was clear which one would have to move. In May 1947, the Navy announced selection of a site for a new postgraduate school planned for Monterey, California. In November 1951, nearly 500 NPS personnel and 370 students made the move, en masse, along with some 3 million pounds of gear. Read first-hand accounts of this remarkable part of NPS history in "From Annapolis to Monterey: Professor Recalls", part of NPS Archive: Calhoun.

Read more about celebrating 70 Years in Monterey.

We can help with these and other tech support issues in the library. 

Most of the computers in the library have keyboards with built in CAC readers.

You can also borrow USB CAC readers from the Information Desk.

Nested Applications

Our Affiliates


TLC:  Teaching and Learning Commons

Mission: Empowering cross-organizational teams as a community of practice to enhance the quality of NPS education through collaborations that create and support innovative and distinctive learning experiences.

email: TLC@nps.edu


TPO: Thesis Processing Office

Thesis Processing reviews and collects all NPS theses, dissertations, capstone reports, MBA reports, and joint applied projects. We help our students meet the NPS format and citation requirements and ensure the paper is of graduate-level quality.

email: thesisprocessingoffice@nps.edu


GWC: Graduate Writing Center

Mission: To develop the writing and critical thinking skills of NPS students for success in graduate school and as military and civilian leaders.

email: writingcenter@nps.edu