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Annual Report 2017

Annual Report 2017

Our Mission--Dudley Knox Library contributes to learning, research and teaching -- anytime, anywhere -- through relevant and evolving collections, tools, services, and spaces designed for NPS patrons of today and tomorrow.

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AR2017 - How we do it

How we do it

We remain focused on improving the user experience and facilitating our patrons' information-seeking needs. We do so through our four strategic goals illustrated in this annual report.  FY17 highlights include:

  • New search -- "discovery to delivery" interface to DKL's physical and virtual resources also includes tools that improve user (and staff) workflows.  
  • Students can now reserve study rooms on the fly or up to 2 weeks in advance with enhanced Reserve a Room software.
  • Redesigned Library homepage and Special Collections & Archives pages. 
  • Lots of new eResources (eBooks, eVideos, and eJournals) available 24/7.
  • More study and colloborative space opened for students as we continued to shrink our print collections.
  • Lots more details plus Facts & Figures throughout this report!


I welcome your feedback!    Eleanor S. Uhlinger, University Librarian

AR2017 - Award Winning Staff

Award winning staff

Librarian Greta Marlatt received the Lieutenant Commander David L. Williams Outstanding Instructor Award from NPS's Center for Homeland Defense and Security in recognition of her many contributions to their academic programs. Read more about Marlatt's award

DKL staff were presented with a Team Special Act award for their successful efforts to completely overhaul staff workflows and implement the Library's new discovery and access system.

Annual Report - Infographic
Library Search Infographic
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Scholarly Content, Institutional Memory

Scholarly Content

Select and provide Scholarly Content relevant to NPS instructional and research needs.

Seamless Access

Seamless Access

Promote Seamless Access and remove barriers to collections, people, and services.

Seamless Access

Learner Centered Spaces

Create Learner-Centered physical and virtual spaces.

Institutional Memory

Institutional Memory

Assure Institutional Memory through a centralized repository for the NPS scholarly record and archives.

Annual Report - Facts & Figures

Facts & Figures

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Facts & Figures - Library Quick Facts

Library Quick Facts

Number Description
25.5 Library staff FTE
78 Average weekly hours (Sun-Sat); extended hours during finals weeks
695,144 Titles in Library catalog
32,438 Titles in Restricted catalog
589,387 eResources available in Library catalog (books, journals, reports & more)
55,158 NPS-authored eResources in NPS Archive: Calhoun
1,701 NPS-authored eResources in Restricted Collection
12,885 Physical volumes circulated
1,491 Physical course reserves circulated
4,300 Interlibrary loans borrowed from other libraries for NPS users
984 Document delivery from physical collection to NPS users
1,082 Daily visits average to the library building
1,466 Daily visits average for the website
1,642 Daily visits average for NPS Archive: Calhoun
606 Daily visits average for our research guides
22 Daily visits average for Ask a Librarian
807 Daily visits average for our library search*
24,052 Hours students used collaborative study rooms (includes 10,900 hours in technology-equipped rooms)
1,297 Students taking advantage of extended hours during finals
138 Library instruction sessions offered (face-to-face and virtual)
   2,881 Students receiving library instruction
     176 Hours of library instruction
   2,545 Reference questions (from all service points)
        23 New resident student library web orientation and tours
      960 Students receiving web orientation and tours
260 Student technology help requests
356 Staff technology help requests

*launched Jul 5, 2017

Facts & Figures - Budget Summary

Budget Summary

FY17 Budget Chart


Budget Sources FY15 FY16 FY17
Direct $3,215,044 $3,015,000 $3,275,000
Indirect 825,000 350,000 750,000
IMET 300,000 810,000 450,000
Other sources (tuition) 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,000,000
Total $5,340,044 $5,375,000 $5,475,000
Additional (End of Year) $1,149,565 $154,666 $362,574



Budget Categories FY15 FY16 FY17
Labor 54% 52% 50%
Content 34% 37% 39%
Operations 12% 11% 11%
Total 100% 100% 100%